A white police motorcycle controls a motorcycle.
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白バイ6台の緊急走行!覆面パトも臨場。6 police motorcycle and mask pato urgently run!
白バイ2台で違反車両3台を一気に検挙。Two white police motorcycles arrest three violation vehicles.
違反車両を追う白バイ。A white police motorcycle runs after a violation vehicle.
白バイ、違反バイクを検挙。The white police motorcycle which arrested a violation motorcycle.
白バイ交通取り締まりで追跡。Police motorcycle chase a violating vehicles.
2台の白バイ緊急走行。 Two police motorcycles which urgently run.
白バイが違反者にマジギレ。A police officer strongly admonished a traffic violator.
とても親切な白バイ隊員。A very kind speed-cop.
白バイがホコ天規制解除を告知。The white police motorcycle member who announces traffic regulation cancellation.
厳重警衞の天皇陛下御車列。Japanese Emperor and security police.
白バイ、アキバにテンコ盛り。The group of the white police motorcycle in Akihabara.
白バイ交通整理中にTAXIへ警告。Police motorcycle warning to double parking taxi.